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Now you can Discover the 7 mistakes that nearly everyone on the Internet is making...
If you want to make money On-Line, You have come to the right place.This report contains everything you need to know about running a Successful Internet Marketing Business.
This Report is proudly brought to you byRoger Boderhttp://roger.morefreedom.biz/roger.boder@gmx.net
Your CompleteBUSINESS in a BOOK
"I requested the FREE Report on April 6, 2003 and quickly became one of the first enthusiastic users of "The 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing" system. The invitation to the system was loaded with incite into the real marketing problems and needs of people who are honestly trying to make Internet Marketing work.
In the four plus years I've been marketing on the Net I have seen many programs come and go. But, I have never experienced the kind of excitement and sincere support extended here.
The proof? My downline is growing quickly and the system is working for them too. The support easily flows downward because the infrastructure is strong and can be promoted with pride and sincerity. Thank you for the integrity of the system and the ongoing support."
Virginia B. USA
You are welcome to give away this book to anybody you choose either for free or as a great value bonus.
Send it out to all your contacts, they will appreciate the insightful, approach to making money on the Internet.
I hope you enjoy and benefit from the material here, and I wish you every success.
Roger Boder
Please take a moment to Register your copy of this ebook. This simply means you will be notified when a new version of this book is released. This is necessary due to programs occasionally changing their conditions or links.Just send a blank email Here
Note: To Navigate your way through this report, use the Next/Previous buttons in the toolbar at the top of this window.
© Copyright 2003, All Rights Reserved.Author: Terrence Booth http://www.1stopworkathome.com/
You know how it goes...You want to Make Money on the Internet, BUT...
...you struggle to break-even on the cost of any programs you join. Then the most frustrating feeling of all, after you've worked hard at building up a small downline in Network Marketing, is to watch it all crumble below you.If you've ever tried to make money on the Internet then you must help yourself to this breakthrough strategy.
Whether you are an experienced marketer, or you are completely new to this, you must find out these mistakes that will kill your business.
In fact, if you don't heed these warnings you won't have a business- End of Story!Over 90% of people attempting to earn an income from Internet Marketing never make a profit. Now you can find out why...
"Thanks for the 7DeadlySins program.
It's all I have been looking for! I have been on the net for two-three years and have made all the mistakes you possibly can.
Lately, I started to understand what it takes to be successful, but I still could not get it all together as I would have liked to. Your approach, is exactly what I was looking for. It just all fits together when I read your program.
My experience tells me that you have found a very simple, yet profitable way to make money online with any program."
Ted K, Sweden
Hi. I’m Roger Boder.
If you’re like me, you would just hate the amount of lightweight information and reading involved in this business. You have to read through, (and pay for), an absolute mountain of information to get the few real facts you need.
The "7 Deadly Sins" is different. Here you will find all the answers with no padding, no duplication and no fluff. Just the bare bones, the facts and nothing but the facts. But what’s more, you will discover a rarely used strategy that is so simple, yet so effective, I can’t believe it is not being used more often.
In fact, very few people use this method and I couldn’t figure out why.
But then I remembered that more than 90% of the people in this business don’t make any money,
and then it all made sense...
You will discover exactly how to stop following the same path as just about everyone else on the Net. Choose a different path - the path to success.
STOP for a minute and think!
Exactly what profit are you making right now? Not what you THINK you will be making, but your actual income TODAY. Don't you think IT'S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR APPROACH?Stop relying on someone else and decide Today to take charge of Your Future, Yourself.
Special Built-In Bonus
You will soon find out how you can take advantage of an incredibly successful VIRAL STRATEGY. Your path to SUCCESS is now as easy as Step 1, Step 2, Step 3. This bonus will show you exactly how to build your business platform, and then how to...Transform your business platform into a Launch Pad.
This Viral E-Book will change your future for the better. That's right and you have absolutely nothing to lose. You simply cannot afford NOT to have this information.This will give you an INSTANT UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over 90% of the people looking to make money on the Internet.
Congratulations on taking your first step to getting an unfair advantage over 90% of people looking to make money on the Internet.
Within 30 minutes you will have the operational strategy to setup your own Money Making Empire.
Hi. This is Roger Boder, from the 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing.
I am so excited to be able to offer you this information. I didn’t want to just earn money at any cost. I spent a lot of time and money trying to find a program where I was confident that a successful system could be followed by anyone who put in the effort.
I am pleased to say that you now have that chance. Take notice of the lessons and follow the instructions and you will be successful.
This information is split into two parts.
First you will discover a short, sharp report on the seven most common mistakes made by people marketing on the Internet today. I hate to waste time so much, I've gone straight to the raw bones. Just the critical facts. No more.This way you can read the section a couple of times and really grasp how wide reaching the concepts are.
Secondly, we give you your own ACTION PLAN. We start to look at a step by step plan that, frankly, will have you shaking your head at both its simplicity and its value. This is where it really gets exciting.
I am offering a Complete Online Business Start-Up Kit.
Thank You.I have been looking for a program that will not only generate income, but will help me to learn marketing techniques as well. After following the Easy Step-by-step instructions, my downline is growing from the time I made it active and I have earned some money for the first time and it was not hard at all.I only wish I had come across the 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing a lot sooner. I am still shocked at the results, this really works.A. KingUSA
The 7 Deadly Sins
Deadly Sin Number 1
You only advertise other peoples' programs.
If you have joined an Affiliate Program or a Network Marketing Program (MLM), you would know they give you a website address, which might even have your name mentioned on the front page. Don’t even think of just advertising this page.
Think about it for a moment. Imagine you had a shop. Would you just advertise one product that potential customers could go and buy anywhere? Most people don’t buy on their first visit anyway. Or, would you advertise your shop, so that once there, potential customers could buy lots of your products?
Why would you spend all your energy promoting someone else. The program manager doesn’t care whether you are successful. Not only are you paying them a monthly fee, you are promoting THEIR name all over the place. They get more and more well known as tens of thousands of people promote their name.
Then there is the problem of multiple products. Unless your whole business is based around one product, (not a good idea), you would have to start a whole new campaign for your next product and so on.
The simple solution? Promote yourself. If you don’t want your name up in lights, promote your company name. If you don’t have a company name, make one up. Don’t hesitate or put this off. It is really not very hard. Just make sure it sounds professional and/or appropriate.
Deadly Sin Number 2
You don’t have your own product that people want to buy
(Don’t skip this section because you think it is too hard. If the thought of this worries you, I can help you out in Section 2).
The most cost efficient product you can have is information. People are prepared to pay for information that will provide them with any sort of benefit. And the best part is that information products allow your business to be completely automated. There are also no worries with shipping costs, product storage, returns etc.
Now, your product doesn’t have to be a 200 page ebook that you sell for $50. It can be something as simple as a report that you give away freely. The benefit here is that it lets you advertise and promote your own site. This gives you the ability to obtain peoples' email addresses to follow up with them and build an ongoing relationship. You can then introduce them to the products of your choice.
The main requirement is that you provide people with some form of value. And don’t just try and sell them. Provide them with opportunities that will give them the chance to be successful as well. People are placing a level of trust in you by registering their email address. Do not abuse this trust.
Deadly Sin Number 3
You don’t have your own website
There is no easy way around it. You MUST have your own site if you are going to succeed easily.
I don’t mean one of the sites the different programs offer you with your monthly fee. I mean a site that is promoting "YOU".
This way the products you are offering are separate to your site. You can change products in the background or even better have a production line of different products on offer. But your promotions remain constant. You ONLY promote your front-end site. You are then getting many sales opportunities from attracting the one visitor.
It is important to have a number of income producing programs or products. You know the saying, "don’t put all your eggs in one basket"? Well this is certainly at its most important when you are looking at any form of business investment. It is the basis of any "Risk Management Strategy".
I know some people recommend concentrating on one program. This is crazy. Sure, only offer one at a time to avoid confusion, but don’t limit your potential income. Just remember all programs should be related and/or possibly linked. This way if your potential customer is interested in one of them, they will be interested in all of them.
Deadly Sin Number 4
You don’t have a follow up system.
The bottom line is that the majority of people do not sign up for a product on their first visit to a site. You are wasting most of your advertising effort if you let people visit your site once and then leave.
Typically you need a system of at least 5 follow ups to your potential customers over a 7-10 day period. These followups should highlight one or two really important benefits of your product and direct your potential customer back to your site. You can get up to 75% of your sign-ups on the fifth contact. Obviously for this you need their email address.
So what then should be the priority of your front sales page? To sell your product/program? No.
Your front page should have one priority only, and that is to get your potential customer’s email address in return for something of value. Your business plan in section 2 will show you how easily this can work for you.
Deadly Sin Number 5
You don’t have your own email list.
By far the most effective way to advertise is to have your own list. You should treat your list with kid gloves. They are your most important asset once your operating platform is established. You should aim to build up a level of trust so that a personal recommendation from you is worth a hundred times more than any "killer sales letter".
There are some different thoughts on how you get and use your list. I personally use two separate email lists. I have my larger list of all those people who have registered to receive information on the "7 Deadly Sins" Package. I then have a second list of people who have become my customers by buying a product or accepting my offer. These people then receive "extra value" and assistance from me.
Both of these lists have enormous potential. Imagine having a free advertising mechanism that reaches any number of people, dependent only on how long you have been operating it and how much effort you have put into growing it. And the best part is because of the trust level, you can increase your conversion rate from as low as 0.01% to over 20%.
I’ll let you work out the math on products that bring in even $10 per month commission, when you have a large list.
Deadly Sin Number 6
Any people you sign up are not active.
This is especially the case for people trying to get involved in Network Marketing, but also applies to many Affiliate Programs which pay on two levels. It doesn’t matter how great an effort you put in to your marketing, it is simply not possible to keep all your customers happy and paying with a standard approach.
Network Marketing offers the most incredible income earning potential you will find anywhere on the Internet. But it is also the most widely criticised. How can this be?
So many people join a program, and do one of two things. They either don’t really do any marketing at all, and just wait for spillover from "Other People", or they fall for all the traps listed here in the 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing.
We can use the 5x5 matrix as an example. Most people like the "realistic idea" of filling their 3rd level which will often give them an income of about $2000 per month. Lets say you are relatively successful and do recruit your 155 people. Now the problem. There is a good chance that NONE of those 155 people will ever recruit anybody. This is because of the same reasons. They either don’t do anything or they don’t know how.
So you now have 125 people on your 3rd level waiting for their spill over. So you need to recruit another 625 just so your 3rd level doesn’t drop out, then quickly recruit 3000 to keep them happy. You can see how the math shows a real problem.
If you are really confident, you might say, well I can’t provide spillover for those 125 people but I can replace them as quickly as they drop out. Well the bad news is they will drop out quicker than you can replace them. I would also question the ethics of purposely recruiting people to an opportuity that you know will not work for them. This is a poor short term strategy.
Deadly Sin Number 7
You suffer from Information Paralysis
There is an absolute Mountain of information available in this business. Every turn you take, there is yet another ebook to buy or get for free. Then there are all the "guru" sites that want to charge you between $20 and $100 per month to get access to all the latest and greatest information.
Well, I’m here to tell you to stop wasting your time. Sure you have to build up your level of knowledge, and some of these sites are actually very good, BUT, at some stage you must stop and actually DO SOMETHING. Don’t keep putting it off, or worst of all, don’t just join a couple of affiliate programs or MLMs and advertise the standard front page they give you.
Many people fall for this. They keep thinking, "I will just earn some money from these programs, THEN, I will put my own site up." Well, in most cases, IT NEVER HAPPENS. They spend all their time advertising these sites, trying to learn more information, sometimes even spending lots of time in discussion forums, but never actually doing what they should have done first. BUILD YOUR PLATFORM FIRST.
Success Rewards Action.
If you’ve been struggling to earn the results you dreamed of when you started out, change your approach now. "If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got".
*** "Where to from here?" ***
Now for the Secret Bonus I promised you. I will show you details of exactly how to set up your business platform and find out how you can qualify to receive a Complete Online Business Start-Up Kit for FREE. You can see step by step, exactly what you must do.
I'm so convinced that this is going to be very successful. The reason why I think so and the major reason why I joined, is that there isn’t any “sales talk”, no pouching, no hype,… just simply describe why it is so important to have an opt-in list and then give away a detail instructions of how to do just that. It just can’t be better that that!
It’s so well written! Superb! Many thanks to you
Ake E. Sweeden,
"This strategy is so effective, it will have you shaking your head in disbelief". It will give you the start you need to finally have your very own Money Making Operation. Your business will be completely automated to leave you time to just focus on the advertising.
You will have the time and money left to really enjoy those things that are important to YOU.
*** And it is so simple, absolutely anybody can do it. ***
Turn the page NOW to find out how this can work for you.
Now the Real Opportunity begins to Emerge.
"You will soon know exactly how to get intoAffiliate Programs and Network Marketingin such a way that will completelyset you apart from the competition"
In Fact, I am going to do even better than that... I won’t just tell you how to set yourself up, I will actually give you a
Fully Customised Web Business Machine.
This must be the simplest and quickest way to set up a money making business on the Internet.
First of all, I want to tell you why I am doing this. I like to be upfront about this otherwise, your "sounds too good to be true" radar starts beeping.
My Business Strategy is Very, Very Simple.
I aim to give you the knowledge, the tools and the easy to follow, step by step instructions, that will allow you to be hugely successful. Up until now, you have probably only experienced people who want to sign you up, take your money, then send you on your way. Not only is this bad for you, that person is harming their own interest. Well, all that is about to change...
The nature of this business means that part of your success flows on to me, so it is in my best interest to make sure you are set up with everything you need to succeed.
There is an old saying that fits this strategy extremely well.
"If you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for life."
"I Want to Set You Up for Life"
This package is such incredible value, that your customers won’t be able to resist. And the best part of all, it is an Automated VIRAL Business, all packaged up and ready to pass along.
But First, an Important Point. It seems to becoming very popular these days for people to join Downline Clubs. This is where they guarantee to fill your downlines for you. Well, I’m sorry to say, they won’t work. This has nothing to do with their intent or ability. Think back to Deadly Sin Number 6. It is simple math. The numbers grow too quickly. They won’t be able to maintain that promise.
There is one important note I want to make here. I am not saying you shouldn’t join these programs that guarantee sign up. What I am saying is don’t rely on them to fill your downline.
I believe you can make money out of almost any of the Network Marketing Programs as long as you go in with your own strategy of how to fill your downline, and how to show your downline how to do the same. It is usually not the program that fails, it is the person.
Remember, there is the most incredibly huge market of Newbies out there, desperate to be just given a simple business tool to start them off on their new career. They are looking for a way to free them from their daily grind so that they can actually live their life instead of just existing.
I will now detail what is in this complete business package.
Then we will test it against our 7 Deadly Sins Checklist.
In a nutshell, you get access to EVERYTHING you are reading here. The Whole 7 Deadly Sins Package to modify and promote as your own.That is an important point. "To Promote as Your Own". You get an independent shopfront, separate to any program or product you promote in the background.
You get the means to build your own Opt-In Email list. Your list is then YOURS FOREVER to use for any promotions you choose.
You get your very own Highly Effective Lead Capture Machine. The leads you gather are independent of any program. They have opted-in to YOU to receive the 7 Deadly Sins report you are offering. You will receive a lead capture page designed specifically for this purpose.
Check out the Lead Capture Page that you could be using to build YOUR LIST. (Then Hit the "BACK" button to come back to this page)
Note. The above link will not work with some PC configurations. You can also view the Lead Capture Page by going to the "Contents" option in the toolbar at the top of this window. Again, you should hit the "Back" button to return to this page.
You get your own sure-fire viral marketing product to offer. You get the content of my "brandable" Viral E-Book and my web pages associated with the "7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing".
You get a built-in Network Marketing Business Opportunity that can earn you Tens of Thousands of dollars each and every month. This is the only system where you can really look forward to having your commission matrix filled from above and below as well as from your own efforts. The reason is simple. Everyone above and below you has their own lead capture system with the ability to recruit. No more recruiting people who don't know what to do to be successful.
You get the content of my autoresponder follow-up scripts. I will give you a full 6 months worth of follow-up messages for you to stay in contact with your customers and give you the chance of earning multiple streams of income. Your business will be an automated production line, so you can spend that quality time with your loved ones, or at the beach, or at the mountains or wherever YOU choose to be.
And the best part. It is basically all done for you. You will get access to a re-brander tool, that will allow you to change all the details in the ebook to your own. After that you just follow the step by step instructions to load it all to the Internet. Your Lead Capture page is already set-up in your name. Your autoresponder series is already laid out with your name and all YOUR referral links. You are READY TO GO. All you do is "Copy and Paste". It couldn't be more simple.
And you won’t be advertising someone else’s program. You will now have the rights to this very program. Wherever you see my name that will be your name.
The email lists you generate from this will be yours. They will be yours to send ongoing content and offers to your customers. I will provide you with some ongoing content and opportunities to get you started, PLUS Instructions on how to plug them into your autoresponder. This way you are taking advantage of a production line of great content and offers for your customers.
This becomes an ongoing money machine.
All you need to do is start it off and running.
And think about this... You will have the rights to offer all of this as an incentive to give away to your customers. And DON'T FORGET, this E-Book is Viral, so once you get it started, it will keep getting passed around the Internet. People you give it to can then either just give it away (with your links) as a bonus, OR they will take advantage of this great opportunity, join under you and put their links in the report. Either way, YOU benefit.
Now, Compare yourself to the "Average Joe" who is falling for all the 7 Deadly Sins. Picture yourself using all this web content to offer incredible Extra Value to anyone who joins a program under you. Then those people can use it to provide value to people under them, and so on, and so on.
I cannot over-emphasize the power of teaching everyone how to contribute. Your growth potential is HUGE.
7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing Check List
Lets now look at how your new package rates against all of the things we have been talking about.
-You have your own web site.
-You are only advertising yourself up front, not any program directly.
-You have a great value product to offer up front.
-You have a front page focused on collecting a contact list.
-You have a follow up system in place.
-You have a unique selling proposition. That is, you have something extra and different to offer over anyone else just promoting a generic program site.
-You have your own email list of customers to offer an ongoing supply of opportunities that will benefit everyone.
-You will have people below you who you have given all the tools for them to be active and successful.
-You have shaken off the paralysis.
You have taken action.
The first step to success.
This is a package that gives you your business platform that becomes the central hub of your Internet Operation.
The Tools you Need to Run your own Internet Business
The reality is that there are some tools and resources that are absolutely essential to making money on the Internet. Well, I can show you how to get them AND use them.
This is another area that sometimes scares people away from running a proper operation.
"I remember when I started, I had no idea on how to get my own web page up,how to get a web hosting package or even what to do with it if I did get it. I knew nothing about what was value and what wasn’t"
When you throw in the need to set up a form page, a content page and different autoresponders, most people just put it off and fall into the traps discussed in the 7 Deadly Sins.
Well, if you put in a very small amount of effort up front,
this will make you different from all those people losing money.
"I have found a Resources Package that when combined with what I am giving you, is absolutely EVERYTHING you need to have a REAL INTERNET BUSINESS"
One of the best pieces of advice I have heard is "don't buy Hype as a product". If you want a serious business on the Internet, you should only deal in REAL products that people actually need.
And we have already confirmed that to make REAL Money on the Internet, the absolute bare minimum you need is your own personal web site with an autoresponder to follow up on your leads.
*** So it's not "Rocket Science" *** to work out that the Most Successful Viral Marketing Business should be centered around selling web hosting as your "Base Product".
I have found a place which supplies all 3 main business start-up requirements - a web hosting account, unlimited autoresponders and real email accounts, at an unbelievably low price. It has many other great services but for now we are just interested in getting your online business up and running.
But this Hosting Package has one very important advantage. The ability to generate Big Money.
Even though it is a product that you need anyway, it has a built-in money making opportunity where not only do they pay you cash for everyone who joins the program under you, but you earn ongoing residual income from a 2x15 Matrix that starts filling up below you.
Can you imagine how easy it will be to promote when you have this whole 7DeadlySins package customized into your name.
The 7DeadlySins Package is like a Shotgun. It blasts your business into action with both barrels.
Firstly, it gives you the content package to advertise.
Secondly, it provides incredible extra value to bundle up and offer to your customers so that they can successfully sign-up people as well.
You are literally giving them the shop.
And the great thing about the 2x15 matrix is that you really only have to make sure you get 2 people to join under you who will also be active enough to recruit 2 more active people, and so on, and so on. That's the minimum, but once you start advertising, you will realise this is just so effective at helping people that it is just like giving people money.
So the 7DeadlySins now gives everyone with a little effort the ability to recruit hundreds of individuals themselves as well as give their downline all the tools to duplicate their success.
Let’s just confirm how our two items fit together.
I provide you with the strategy, the web sites, the 7 Deadly Sins ebook Content, the autoresponder scripts, the rights to customize and distribute my work, (in your name), and an ongoing profit store via your own opt-in list.
The Hosting Company "Cutting Edge International" offers all the physical resources you need to host my content.
How’s that for an unbeatable combination.
And it is exactly that combination that you will be able to offer your customers.
Now I haven't spoken about potential income from this program yet because if I wrote the amount of dollars you could earn at the start, you would probably think "that's just not possible", and stop reading.
I certainly don't want to be accused of too much hype so I won't even put the potential income in big flashing lights.
If you can just recruit 2 active people who could also recruit 2, who could also recruit 2, and so on until your matrix was full to 15 levels, the amount of money you will earn PER MONTH, EVERY MONTH, would be:
There. I hope I didn't hype that too much.
I am really impressed with this program from first reading it. I was sure I could learn many things. I have been looking for a program like this for a long time.I joined on 22nd of April. On 27th I started to advertise and on 28th, I got my first paid member. Now 3 weeks later, I have 4 paid members and 50 subscribers on my list. In my previous program I only got 2 members in 8 months.I am very happy with this program. I appreciate your choice. This is very good combination, the 7DeadlySins and CE-INT. I have already learned how to set up my own website and how to start my own mailing list. I very much like the autoresponder because it is doing my job. I am very happy with advertising my own website where I put my favourite programs. Now I can advertise just one link.Thank YouGrazina P, Lithuania.
Now lets talk about the bottom line.
How much does all this cost?
All the Content and Strategy I offer is Absolutely FREE.
Now you gotta admit, that's a pretty IMPRESSIVE Start!!!
Secondly, as discussed in "The 7 Deadly Sins", Every Work at Home Business NEEDS web server space, Autoresponders, Real email accounts, etc. It is a simple fact of business that you do need to invest in some basics.
Having said that, "Cutting Edge International" offers by far the greatest value in this area. All of your basic essentials are in the one place under the one membership.
Now, I am not going to waste your time talking about the great potential of the "Cutting Edge International" business opportunity. You can see that for yourself at the site. You can see the potential to make Tens of Thousands of Dollars per month before you even add the ongoing affiliate program payment for everyone you refer.
You can also see for yourself the incredible back-end revenue potential of having your own list of thousands of people and the opportunity to promote Multiple Programs.
What I want to quickly point out is the main difference between this and all other programs I have seen. That is "Real Value Products". Most programs rely just on the potential earnings from a matrix. So when most people fall for the traps highlighted in the "7 Deadly Sins", and don’t refer anyone, they are left with nothing for their money.
With "Cutting Edge International", you are actually getting great value for Internet Products that you need to run your business anyway. So this is the most "solid" MLM opportunity you can get. Plus it is an Affiliate Program as well.
For me, this has let me cancel my previous web server accounts and just use "Cutting Edge International". This has saved me money, plus I now have a great Money Making Program.
And at the risk of repeating myself,
All the Content and Strategy I offer is Absolutely FREE.
You see, everything I am offering here, I regard as added value to joining this particular program. That’s right. All of this is the Unfair Advantage you have over anyone else trying to market the program.
Who would you go to? Someone just advertising the program’s URL, or someone offering not just the program, but all of this strategy and content as well for absolutely free. That is obviously a no brainer. Everyone will want what you will be offering.
So you have one ridiculously low monthly spend with "Cutting Edge International" which is much less than what you would pay for all these services you need anyway.
Note, I do provide all my added content for free, but you do have to pay for your own web hosting and autoresponders. So my only condition on giving you all of the 7DeadlySins content is that you get your hosting resources through "Cutting Edge International" via my sign-up link below. This strategy also works for you. Every person that you offer the program must join as a paid member under you before you send them your package.
This is the viral benefit that flows down the line. This is how the growth in your matrix really explodes.
Hi folks, my name is John Stankiewicz. I've been in the business of Network Marketing or MLM for over 8 years now. I've been successful. I've earned a full time income for over 7 years with a downline of 2500 and a 40% activity rate. Too bad that business got bought out, comp plan changed three times, income down to a third of what it used to be. You know the story. Sold it!And I've been with more than a few companies in the meantime.Let me tell you that things have changed.The Internet is the way to go these days. Too many people cocooning! So you have to get to them in their cocoons! How do you do that? Through the Internet. As this is one of the only entry points into their cocoon.But if you've given the Internet opportunities a hand you are probably very disappointed! I sure was. Until I came across Terry Booth's 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing programme!What I love about it is that we're not trying to scam people, we're not telling them that they can make a quick buck without working, that one must have a good and solid foundation upon which to build an Internet Business! And that makes sense!We're not pushing a product! We're not pushing some money-making get-rich-quick marketing scheme! Or chainletter. We are just making good and honest business sense! Everyone that reads our proposal realizes that it makes sense and appreciates it.And we're using some of the secrets of the so-called experts out there!Let me close by saying that this is the FIRST Internet-based opportunity at which I've started to make some good money! And isn't that surprising? Yes!And folks? We're not forcing you into one or another opportunity! What we are giving you is the solid foundation upon which you can build many businesses! And isn't that appealing? Sure it is!Live long and prosper!John Stankiewicz,President: Micronuts
Now, this combined package is easily worth hundreds of dollars. It is like having your very own business consultant designing a plan just for you.
How much would you pay someone to give you your very own customized end to end Business, complete with strategy, step by step plan and all the resources you need to host your Business AND Advertise your Business?
This is the type of investment that really pays off for you and your future.
So how much does it cost at "Cutting Edge International" to get all your hosting and autoresponder resources PLUS be entered into a 2x15 matrix and be eligible for Great Payouts?
At the time of writing this web page, (I don't know how long they can keep it this cheap), it is just $14.99 per month with a once only $10 setup fee.
Now I would have easily paid someone $500 to setup a complete end-to-end business for me, ready to just promote the one site. In fact I would have jumped at the chance.
This price is so low it's ridiculous. Your very own fully functioning Internet Business for just $14.99.
Put that in perspective.Most people spend more than that on lottery tickets.Even if you did absolutely everything wrong in your advertising, you would still have a better chance of success than with the lottery.
And it gets even better!!!
Believe it or not, this is Just the Beginning.
You see, even though "Cutting Edge International" provides a nice money earning potential in itself...
You don't need to have a lot of people join the program for this whole package to be successful.
If you've done any amount of research in this field you will know the importance of gathering your own opt-in list. Your List is like GOLD.
Well the 7 Deadly Sins package is extremely successful at gathering an email list and this is one of the biggest benefits of the program.
What we have done is build in some multiple streams of income into the ebook itself AND into the autoresponder follow up series. So what you have now is many opportunities to earn Extra Income, all from the one initial promotion.
Picture what it will be like to only ever have to worry about promoting the one lead capture page, knowing that you have a full automated process in place to MAXIMIZE YOUR INCOME.
People will join your programs from this free ebook as it is passed all over the net.
They will join your programs from your automated follow up messages. And remember these are already written for you. A full 6 months worth!
Imagine what it is like to turn your computer on each day and see all your "Congratulations" emails coming in from lots of different programs.
And Finally, The Icing on the Cake.
Now I know this is already a hugely successful strategy but...
we have made it even better still.
And now, hot off the press, is our latest improvement to give you maximum flexibility, we have built in the capability for you to promote your own programs. That's right, not one, not two, but space for you to include 3 of your own opportunities. This just has to be the ultimate, complete, end-to-end, online business promotional vehicle.
But what we haven't done is forget those people who don't have a lot of funds. We wanted this successful strategy to be available to everyone. Even though these extra programs have a huge potential to generate lots of cash, they are all optional. If you are a bit short of the green stuff, the only program you have to join is CEI for its web hosting tools. We couldn't do without this one as you need these tools to run the program.
But if you aren't ready to join the other programs, that's fine. Just leave the existing links in place for now, and you can reinvest some of your earnings later on. You can still create a great income with CEI, but we just included the other options for those people who want to fast track their path to success. If you see yourself as a budding "Internet Entrepreneur", this is definitely the way to go.
Now remember, you only ever need to advertise the one site again... Your 7DeadlySins Lead Capture site! Pretty soon you will have thousands of people within your direct reach. This list then becomes a source of FREE ADVERTISING for any future programs.
This strategy is beautiful in its simplicity.
The fact I can offer you the benefit of all my work for FREE is a great example of Viral Marketing.
The system works for me to get signups. I give it to you so you can get signups. You give it to your customers so they can get signups and so on. Pretty soon you have thousands of people all filling each of your downlines. Each of these people also has all the essential tools for success, so all their work will benefit you as well.
Success is that simple, when you have the right strategy.
GET STARTED NOW. You only need to do 2 things:
1 - JOIN CEI FROM THIS LINK to get your own web hosting package.
2 - After you are a Paid member in CEI, Send a blank email Here
It's that EASY.
You will soon receive all the details you need to"Set up your own 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing Business"
The next two pages will show you how to "Fast Track" your income growth.
Imagine being able to use this ebook as your vehicle for
And you will only ever need to advertise the one Lead Capture Page again!!!
7DeadlySins Recommended Resources
These first 3 programs are "hard-wired" into this ebook. They provide a solid, real-value product that many people pay for anyway. But they also each have an inbuilt business opportunity. So, with a little effort, you can soon be getting the product for free and then making yet another stream of income.
You don't have to join the 7DeadlySins program to join any of these opportunities, but IMAGINE the Power of having your own link in this ebook as it gradually spreads all over the Internet.
PLUS, you know that the people above and below you are all active marketers using this proven method to grow their business, AND your business.
When you join CEI and the 7DeadlySins program you will be given the tools and simple instructions on how to change these links to your own.
123clicks.com Amazing New Auto-Pilot Recruiting System!123Clicks is now highly recommended as a companion program to 7DeadlySins.
It also uses a great Viral Growth Strategy and is one of the few "Set and Forget" programs that really work.
You can get over 1,250 Fresh Business Leads every month that are automatically plugged into your referral network. You first use them to grow your 123clicks income then use them to promote whatever program you choose. (Including your 7DeadlySins Package).
In 12 months you can have your own PRIVATE OPT-IN LIST of 15,000 PEOPLE. Your list is then your Ultimate Free Advertising medium.
Plus it won't take long for the leads to be paying for themselves, AND THEN PAYING MUCH MORE...
Join us Today ... Sign up Now! 123clicks.com
As a member of CEI and the 7deadlysins program, you have the option to JOIN this program and put your own link in here!!!
ISPVIP.biz Does Your ISP Pay You?In line with our strategy of promoting products that people would have to pay for anyway, this is the perfect product companion for any Internet Business.
Every person who reads any of your ads, already pays an Internet Service Provider, (ISP), to access the Internet. So why not offer them a great quality, Full Service ISP alternative for less than what most are already paying. PLUS it gives them a chance for another valuable source of Income.
If you don't want to change your ISP, or you are an International member, you can choose to just join the business opportunity component without the physical ISP service. This is another very low cost, Real Product Business.
Experience the Huge growth potential of this Industry. ISPVIP.biz
As a member of CEI and the 7deadlysins program, you have the option to JOIN this program and put your own link in here!!!
EMPOWERISM Comprehensive Internet Marketing Education
This one is a "Must-Join" Opportunity.
Great Education in Internet Marketing. The 7DeadlySins program gives you the proper platform, EMPOWERISM will give you all the knowledge and support to promote your new business.
Be smart about your business. Promoting this to your downline will also give them the knowledge to be successful in their promotions.
The business opportunity component is completely Auto-Pilot. Monthly Leads automatically plugged in to the autoresponder. Grows your downline as the first priority, then you can use the leads for any other program you choose.
$20 Referral Bonus - Very generous ongoing Residual Commission. Earn up to $30,000 per month.
Helpful, ongoing, reliable support.
As a member of CEI and the 7deadlysins program, you have the option to JOIN this program and put your own link in here!!!
Resources Recommended by your Sponsor or their Upline
The 7DeadlySins package is unique in that it is designed solely with you in mind. The majority of you reading this report right now will already be involved in a number of existing opportunities. The 7DeadlySins program doesn't require you to abandon these if you don't want to. As a member of CEI and the 7deadlysins program, you have the option to promote YOUR OWN PROGRAMS here!!!
This section is fully flexible. You can either leave it alone altogether, or you can join one or all of the programs entered here by your upline and then replace the referral links with your own. Also, you can replace one or all of the programs with your own opportunities.
By attaching your programs in any of the links on this page, you are getting your ads out to the widest possible audience. This ebook will spread in such a way that suddenly your referral links are being read by people from all over the world.
Note that the 7DeadlySins program or any of its members do not take responsibility for any promotions entered here. We rely on the honesty and integrity of people passing on this report that the section below does not contain any material that COULD be considered offensive.
BodyExtreme's Sterolin 2000 is one of the most impactful wellness products available today.Read and download the sterolin report
Exciting offer! You won't believe it! FREE INTERNET SUPER STORES! Earn Big Income! How? By giving away SUPER STORES for FREE! Try it FREE!http://victorfranz.freestoreclub.com
LeadPak International
Here you can get your 1st month and 200 opt-in leads for free. They are confident enough with the quality of their leads to not charge you until after you have tried them. Everyone who "tries out the leads for free" is automatically reserved a spot in the 3x6 matrix. They also offer an Ad Co-op where you can increase your downline.The best part is that you and your entire organization can grow each and every month because they will each be receiving a manageable number of supremely qualified & affordable MLM leads for your program.Another great lead resource that I have found is LeadBiz. http://www.leadbiz.net/members/normduffyI recommend you seriously consider joining both these lead programs and apply the principles in the e-book to make them both self-funding lead sources.
=> The next page will provide you with some great targetted advice on
A Field of Opportunity or a Minefield?
If you have spent any time at all on the net you would appreciate the necessity of effective advertising. But you would also be aware of how difficult it is to know what’s best.
There seems to be an endless supply of sites proclaiming instant riches from every form of advertising option available.
There is also an element of danger in that getting leads from the wrong source can lead to complaints of spam and result in you being shut down.
I am not going to review each type of advertising. It is a large topic which I would not do justice to here. What I will do is share my advertising strategy which is quite simple but effective.
The Strategy
Between Free Advertising and Paid Advertising is something called FUNDED Advertising.
This strategy can be referred to as the Advertising Cycle.
Simply put, the strategy is as follows:
"Pay for a lead system to build your list.
Use your list to sell your lead system."
For example, I might pay for some form of leads or traffic. It could be anything from a safelist to a fully opt-in quality lead. Now what this has done is get me some level of traffic or leads, but because I have chosen lead/traffic programs with their own referral system it also provides me with the opportunity to get my money back or get more leads for free. I do this by promoting the lead program to my list.
There are certainly benefits in using this method as it provides for multiple streams of income, (remember you can also promote the programs in this ebook).
But by far the most effective form of advertising in my opinion is via ezines. I just like the instant results. You should only go for the solo ad option or the top sponsor ad option. Anything lower than this does not stand much chance of being seen.
I won’t recommend particular ezines here, but a search on the Internet will bring you many free and paid sources. Obviously the paid, better quality ezines bring better results. Subscribe to the ezine first and read it. If it is interesting, other people are probably reading also. If it is just ads or full of rubbish, then no one will see your ad.
You will also find free ezines to advertise in, but remember, you get what you pay for. Even with paid ezines, there is a huge variation in quality. I have had some ezines return 20 instant sign-ups and 200 subscribers to my list, while the same ad in another similarly priced ezine has produced no sign-ups and 10 subscribers.
The other effective instant return is via Pay per Click promotions in Search Engines.
The trick to getting low cost clicks is to use obscure keywords.
They won't get you much traffic per keyword but if you can come up with thousands of them, it starts to really build your traffic. Many Pay per click companies have free tools you can use to find huge numbers of keywords that you probably wouldn't think of yourself.
The important issue with paid advertising is to calculate at what figure you would break even with your investment. The real benefit is in your "list" long term and your downline in the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 programs providing ongoing residual income. Plus with the 7deadlysins program you know that the people in your downline will also be successful at recruiting.
This is the great part of the viral effect. Initially you are relying just on your own promotions, but soon you will have 10 people in your downline so you are now relying on the promotions of 11 people. With 11 people promoting you will soon have 100 people, then 1000 etc. The 7DeadlySins will set you up for life.
With your paid promotions, you will not only consider the ONGOING VIRAL VALUE of each person joining you in this progam, but you will also have all the upfront "instant rewards".
For example, at the time of writing this, the
- CEI program provides a referral bonus of $8,
- The Empowerism Program provides a referral bonus of $20,
- ISPVIP provides $10,
- 123clicks pays a high return of between $1 and $25 (every month)depending on what level they join.
Now of course not everyone will join all of these programs but you will certainly start to see them all gradually increase over time.
This is a great feeling when you see the messages coming in saying that people have joined you in a number of programs when you are only ever advertising your 1 lead capture site.
So you can see, that paid advertising can very easily more than pay for itself if you are using the right platform. That is, One entry point, long term follow up, Viral, and built in Multiple Income opportunities. This is exactly what the 7DeadlySins Strategy is designed to do.
I also want to just quickly mention "Off-line" advertising. Because the 7deadlysins program is a complete "business in a book", it does lend itself to being offered as a viable extra income to many people who would not be actively searching on the Internet.
You could do up a simple flyer and post it on the notice board at your local shops or school. Invite people to go to your web site and have a look, and call you if they have any questions. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised if you start to think of where you might find people who would like to earn an extra income. This is a good option for many people who would not be comfortable doing any "face to face" network marketing.
GET STARTED NOW. It is only two small steps to start the ball rolling.
1 - JOIN CEI FROM THIS LINK to get your own web hosting package.
2 - After you are a Paid member in CEI, Send a blank email Here
It's that EASY.
=> Next page, Summary
Frequently Asked Questions
? ? ? ? ?
Not sure about something?
See if you can find your answer here.
Q1 This system is great for producing leads, but what do I do with the leads once I get them?
Q2 How can I set up my own 7DeadlySins Site?
Q3 How is a person to trust the Internet?
Q4 How much can I make?
Q5 What exactly are you offering me?
Q6 Will I be offering something of benefit?
Q7 I don’t have a Website or anything to sell?
Q8 I already have an opt-in list, will I still benefit from this?
Q1 This system is great for producing leads, but what do I do with the leads once I get them?
Well one of the great things about this strategy is its’ inbuilt flexibility.
Firstly the leads are put through a follow up for "Cutting Edge International", (CEI), to allow others to duplicate your system. This is a great income earner in itself but it also gives you the potential for exponential growth.
But what does this really mean? Well after a short amount of time you not only have your own large opt-in list, but you have a smaller group of people within your contact who have their own 7DS site. This means any subsequent offer you might make to your list not only has the normal chance of success but it also has a targeted group of people who you know have their own list to make the offer to. And of those people, a percentage will have their own list etc. It’s like selling to the heavy hitters. If you make a sale with them you know you are going to do well as they pass on the offer.
But back to the leads. Once your leads have passed through the CEI follow up series, they are yours for ever, (or until they unsubscribe). You now have many options.
If you have your own programs already, you can use your list to market your own programs.
You can choose to start up your own newsletter or ezine. Provide good content and you can market your own programs or start to make money from people advertising in your ezine.
Or for the easy option, you can take advantage of the ongoing communication I have already prepared. 29 messages over 6 months. There are follow ups for the 7ds/cei program plus newsletters and other promotions for the 3 additional programs listed in the ebook. You don't need to worry about any of it. It is all done for you. Your own newsletter going out in YOUR NAME.
It also helps to refer people back over the full 6 months to your original 7DS program and hopefully sign up with CEI. You can choose to join one or all of the programs that are in the newsletter and change the links to your own or you can just leave them as they are until you are ready. The important thing is to maintain contact with your list so they don’t forget you. There are enough newsletters here to get you started.
If you have just one or two programs of your own, you may choose to take advantage of my newsletter and then once per month send out a special solo-ad offer to your list promoting your own program. If you refer this to a separate autoresponder series, you can provide a separate follow up.
As I said the flexibility is endless. You can provide any mix or combination of the above. It is completely up to you what to do with your leads. All I can do is recommend you maintain contact with them to establish a relationship and build multiple streams of income.
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Q2 How can I set up my own 7DeadlySins Site?
All you need to do is join "Cutting Edge International", (CEI), from the link in this ebook to get your web hosting resources. Then send a blank email as directed in many pages of this book. It's as simple as that. You will then receive all the instructions you need.
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Q3 How is a person to trust the Internet?
This is a very big question. If you are worried about this, I am not sure there is any answer that will completely put your mind at rest. It is probably the subject of many books and research into the future of ecommerce.I can only give you my humble opinion in the matter. Firstly, I don't see it so much as a question of trusting the "Internet". The Internet is just a contact medium. The issue is really about trusting the company or person, whether you are doing business with them via the Internet, Telephone or simply walking into their shop. The Internet tends to make people less comfortable because there is no physical person we see and talk to and limited protection from local laws. This is what we are all used to and it is our comfort zone. This is very understandable.Having said that, my personal belief and experience is that most people will at least try and do the right thing, on or off the Internet. I think a lot of occasions where people believe they have been scammed, the intent was probably not to scam but for whatever reason the person were unable to deliver on their promises. Often this is simply because they have not thought through the consequences of the growth the Internet has to offer, or they have not had enough knowledge of their business. Or as happens in any form of business, some people just run out of money and cease to operate.A common example I have seen on the Internet is Downline Clubs. Many of these are set up with good intentions, but the numbers dictate that a central source cannot possibly keep up with the required supply of recruits. It doesn't take long before they need millions to keep their last level happy. Not for want of trying, they fail to deliver so their last line feels scammed.There are also con-artists in every country in the world at all levels of society, so there will be a small percentage of sites who set out with this deliberate intent.So, in this case I can really do no more than give you my personal experience. In my time on the Internet, I have looked at thousands of programs with all the associated claims. I have also lost money in places where people could not deliver on their promise, but I put that down to the cost of learning. My business strategy has always been to simplify everything down to the basics and this is essentially what I have covered in the 7 deadly sins information. I honestly believe it is that simple. You want to have as many people within your matrix being able to successfully recruit for themselves.I offer the information freely and the web sites as well, as a value-add to people joining the "Cutting Edge International" (CEI) program under me. The people who do this can offer exactly the same program as an incentive for people to then join under them.I am just a member looking for the best way to make the program successful. I believe they offer excellent value for the essential products you must have to be successful in this business. Plus there is an excellent Business Opportunity attached to get you started earning your residual income. As a contingency plan, if the worst case were to happen and CEI were to disappear, (and I don't expect this to happen) I (and everyone using the same system) at least have an email list gathered from the 7deadlysins package, which is not dependent on any program. I also encourage everyone to join the other programs to spread out your investment. This is a standard risk management strategy.
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Q4 How much can I make?
I won’t dazzle you with lots of zeros as it is not my intention to attract people who think they can be millionaires overnight. I want people who are prepared to be patient, persistent and work hard at growing their business. You can make a lot of money every month, but it won’t happen overnight. Your growth will happen exponentially. It will start slowly, then grow faster and faster as you start to gain the benefits of the work of those in your downline.
If you follow the strategy for multiple streams of Income, a six figure income is a reasonable goal for which to aim. How much effort you put into your promotions will impact both the amount you earn and the speed at which you earn.
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Q5 What exactly are you offering me?
A chance to set up your own web site for your own Internet Business. If you join CEI, I will give you the rights to use and distribute my 7DeadlySins package, follow-up system and Business Strategy. You get all the instructions on how to set these up in your name and upload them to the Internet.
If you have any thought about making money on the Internet, you need this platform to get you up and running.
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Q6 Will I be offering something of benefit?
Many people will find this package of great benefit. CEI provides a real product, not just ebooks like many network marketing programs, but real web hosting, email, autoresponders and other resources. These are products that people already pay money for.
People who are just starting out on the Internet can use the combined CEI-7DeadlySins package to launch their business.
People who already have one or more Internet Business programs can use this package as an additional program and use it to build an opt-in list for their existing programs.
Anybody considering starting their own ezine or newsletter in this field can use the package to build their list.
Anybody with any Internet Business in no matter what field will still require web hosting, email and autoresponder resources that they can obtain from CEI.
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Q7 I don’t have a Website or anything to sell?
That’s fine. Once you join CEI, I give you all the extras you need to set up your own site to advertise. Anybody who enters their email address with you will receive their 7DeadlySins information and also a follow up series encouraging them to join CEI and start up their own 7DeadlySins platform.
After this the choice is yours. You can stop any more contact with your list and just rely on the income from CEI, but this does not give you the best return on your advertising.
To maximize your return, you can plug in the extra months worth of Newsletters into your autoresponder. There are some advertising links built into these Newsletters so you can replace my referral links with your own in the Newsletter. This starts you on the way to your multiple streams of income. The newsletter also refers your list back to the original CEI program as well, so it is a good follow up system.
If you don’t want to join any other programs at this stage, just send the newsletters out as they are. Even though you are not getting the referrals for the ads, you are still maintaining contact with your list. This way they haven’t forgotten about you and you can offer them another program you like at a later stage.
The important thing to remember is that the choice is up to you. The strategy is very flexible for how you want to use it.
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Q8 I already have an opt-in list, will I still benefit from this?
Certainly. Firstly, you can use your new 7DeadlySins Lead Capture page as an extra means of building your list.
Secondly, imagine being able to offer your existing list the opportunity to set up their own lead capture platform. They will soon be able to effectively recruit into your downline in what ever programs you are already involved with. By giving your downline the Business Platform they need to be successful, you are guaranteeing yourself a residual income that grows exponentially.
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