Dynamic Drive
This site has lots of cool javascripts...just make sure you don't overdo it because a million scripts on one page can get really annoying.
Digital Page Author
Here's an alternative to both PDF and HTML compilers that may excite you ebook authors out there. The Digital Page Author format emulates the experience of reading a real book by letting your customers flip through the pages at the click of a mouse. I haven't tested the software myself, but they have an example ebook on their site and it looks pretty slick. Check it out and let me know what you think.
This site has tons of bots to help you do everything from finding a news article to spying on your competition. Even if you don't use it for "business purposes" it's still just a lot of fun.
Site Level helps online money makers
SiteLevel can set you up with effective, free search tools for your web site. If your site is more than a couple of pages and doesn't have a good internal search tool, you're probably losing many a frustrated visitor. Best of all, the free version should be enough for most small business owners.
Make Your Own Business and be an online money makers today! (From TalkBiz News)
Paul Myers, of TalkBiz News, really has a beauty here. It's a free service that generates a personalized, step-by-step tutorial for how to start a business online. Just fill in the blanks, and his system will crank out a tutorial, customized to your own skills and goals. I've never seen anything like it, and best of all it's free. Give it a shot!
Inter net money secret with SWiSH
Swish is software that allows you to create great Flash presentations without even learning (or buying) Macromedia Flash. But do me (and your visitors) a favor...don't go overboard with your new talent.
Paid Search Engine Tools is a must for online money making
The Keyword Bid Optimizer (KBO) at Paid Search Engine Tools helps you keep tabs on all your pay per click bids. They even let you try it out for free. If you use PPC services like Overture and FindWhat, you should be using a service like this.
This is one of the coolest sites I've ever seen.
The Wayback Machine at Archive.org allows you to view old versions of your favorite websites. This can be especially useful if you want to see what changes your competitors have made over the last few months or even years. Who knows, it may give you some ideas for things that you might need to change on your own website.
Answer Tool
This handy little tool can save you hours worth of work by no longer having to type in the same answers to emails over and over again. If you're spending too much time answering emails, this tool could be a godsend. They even let you try it free for the first month
online money secret ChangeDetection
This site tells your visitors about changes to your website every time something is updated. It’s great for archives and membership sites, and best of all, it's total free!
Yahoo! Expired Domain Finder
This Free Yahoo Domain Finder will help you find expired domains that are still listed in the Yahoo! directories. These can be instant sources of traffic if you find one that meshes with your business.
The eMasters Courses
The owner of this site is giving away a free eCourse every month. It can be a great way to get good content for your site, the only problem I saw is that the reports are only offered in .exe, so Mac people are pretty much left out in the cold. Still, it's free and you can always just copy and paste the parts you like.
Product ideas to online money making secret is ixquick
This is my new favorite search engine...
It works the same as other SEs, but adds an extra twist. ixquick also tells you how many other search engines the sites you find are listed in. It's a great tool to use when researching new product ideas and scoping out the competition.
Here's a free site where you can see how your site ranks in popularity, number of links, and overall visitors. My suggestion: check out your competitors' sites as well and make sure you're at the top.
TheTrafficSystem.com's "The Online Free Alley for online money makers"
You can find free reports with reprint rights all over the Internet, but never before have I seen so many in one place. You can literally spend hours on this site digging through original reports and articles. This is one of those sites that I look at and think, "This person could charge a fortune for this kind of information.The good news is - they aren't.
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Past: Open Minded Ka ba? - Studied At Lecheng Eskwelahan yan!Past: Selling soap at Glutathione
- From Manila, Philippines
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