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Everybody wants to make more money... In fact, most people would like to hit upon something that makes them fabulously rich! And seemingly, one of the easiest roads to the fulfillment of these dreams of wealth is mail order or within the professional circles of the business, direct mail selling...
The only thing is, hardly anyone gives much real thought to the basic ingredient of selling by mail - the writing of profitable classified ads. If your mail order business is to succeed, then you must acquire the expertise of writing classified ads that sell your product or services!
So what makes a classified ad good or bad? First of all, it must appeal to the reader, and as such, it must say exactly what you want it to say. Secondly, it has to say what it says in the least possible number of words in order to keep your operating costs within your budget. And thirdly, it has to produce the desired results whether inquiries or sales.
Grabbing the reader's attention is your first objective. You must assume the reader is "scanning" the page on which your ad appears in the company of two or three hundred classified ads. Therefore, there has to be something about your ad that causes him to stop scanning and look at yours! So, the first two or three words of your ad are of the utmost importance and deserve your careful consideration. Most surveys show that words or phrases that quickly involve the reader, tend to be the best attention-grabbers. Such words as: FREE... WIN... MAKE BIG MONEY...
Whatever words you use as attention-grabbers, to start your ads, you should bear in mind that they'll be competing with similar attention-grabbers of the other ads on the same page. Therefore, in addition to your lead words, your ad must quickly go on to promise or state further benefits to the reader. In other words, your ad might read something like this: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy & Simple. We show you how!
In the language of professional copywriters, you've grabbed the attention of your prospect, and interested him with something that even he can do.
The next rule of good classified copywriting has to do with the arousal of the reader's desire to get in on your offer. In a great many instances, this rule is by-passed, and it appears, this is the real reason that an ad doesn't pull according to the expectations of the advertiser.
Think about it - you've got your reader's attention; you've told him it's easy and simple; and you're about to ask him to do something. Unless you take the time to further "want your offer," your ad is going to only half turn him on. He'll compare your ad with the others that have grabbed his attention and finally decide upon the one that interests him the most.
What I'm saying is that here is the place for you to insert that magic word "guaranteed" or some other such word or phrase. So now, we've got an ad that reads: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy & Simple. Guaranteed!
Now the reader is turned on, and in his mind, he can't lose. You're ready to ask for his money. This is the "demand for action" part of your ad. This is the part where you want to use such words as: Limited offer - Act now! Write today! Only and/or just...
Putting it all together, then your ad might read something like this: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy & Simple. Guaranteed! Limited offer. Send $l to:
These are the ingredients of any good classified ad - Attention - Interest - Desire - Action... Without these four ingredients skillfully integrated into your ad, chances are your ad will just "lie there" and not do anything but cost you money. What we've just shown you is a basic classified ad. Although such an ad could be placed in any leading publication and would pull a good response, it's known as a "blind ad" and would pull inquiries and responses from a whole spectrum of people reading the publication in which it appeared. In other words, from as many "time-wasters" as from bona fide buyers.
So let's try to give you an example of the kind of classified ad you might want to use, say to sell a report such as this one... Using all the rules of basic advertising copywriting, and stating exactly what our product is, our ad reads thus:
MONEY-MAKER'S SECRETS! How To Write winning classified ads. Simple & easy to learn -should double or triple your responses. Rush $1 to BC Sales, 10 Main Anytown, TX 75001.
The point we're making is that: l) You've got to grab the reader's attention... 2) You've got to "interest him" with something that appeals to him... 3) You've got to "further stimulate" him with something (catch-phrase) that makes him "desire" the product or service... 4) Demand that he act immediately...
There's no point in being tricky or clever. Just adhere to the basics and your profits will increase accordingly. One of the best ways of learning to write good classified ads is to study the classifieds - try to figure out exactly what they're attempting to sell - and then practice rewriting them according to the rules we've just given you. Whenever you sit down to write a classified, always write it all out - write down everything you want to say - and then go back over it, crossing out words, and refining your phraseology.
The final ingredient of your classified ad is of course, your name, address to which the reader is to respond - where he's to send his money or write for further information.
Generally speaking, readers respond more often to ads that include a name than to those showing just initials or an address only. However, because advertising costs are based upon the number of words, or the amount of space your ad uses, the use of some names in classified ads could become quite expensive. If we were to ask our ad respondents to write to or send their money to The Research Writers & Publishers Association, or to Book Business Mart, or even to Money Maker's Opportunity Digest, our advertising costs would be prohibitive. Thus we shorten our name Researchers or Money-Makers. The point here is to think relative to the placement costs of your ad, and to shorten excessively long names.
The same holds true when listing your post office box number. Shorten it to just plain Box 40, or in the case of a rural delivery, shorten it to just RRl.
The important things are to know the rules of profitable classified ad writing, to follow them and hold your costs in line.
Now you know the basics... the rest is up to you.
How To Write Classified Ads That Get Results Now!
Classified ads can be used to sell products directly from the ad. This, however, only works for items costing no more than approximately $5. The best use for classified ads is to utilize them in obtaining inquiries. This is called the two step approach. The first step is to get maximum inquiries from the classified ad, in the second step the promotional package is sent to the prospect and as many inquiries as possible are converted to buyers.
Classified ads are substantially less expensive than small space ads, but by no means are they cheap. Most national publications catering to the mail order business charge from $3 to $8 per word. A well laid out ad should consist of about 20 words which includes the company name and address. It is important that you remind yourself that only the purpose is to get the prospect to take immediate action and write for more information.
Before you write the ad know exactly what it is you want to sell. You must know very specifically what you are going to accomplish through this ad. Once you have determined what you want to get across to the reader, write it out in one or more complete sentences. For example, you have the reproduction rights for several reports and want to market them. So the objective is: "I want to get the maximum number of responses to inquire about my self-publishing material which has excellent income potential and is easy to market, especially for a newcomer to the business."
This ad may read as follows:
TREMENDOUS PROFITS THROUGH SELF-PUBLISHING! Start part-time. Easy to do. Request free Special Report! XYZ Publishing/E, PO Box 1000, Frederick, MD 20908.
The first 3 or 4 words-- are critical. Since there are hundreds of classified ads in any given publication you must be able to get the reader who scans all, or some of them, to stop in his tracks when he gets to your ad and read your ad and then take action.
Open any publication and review the ads and you will see that many of those ads have absolutely no purpose. They are a total waste of money. But that is good for you since I am sure you will make a real effort to get your message across. Here are a couple of examples of useless ads:
Still Looking For A New Beginning? Write.......
What do they mean by that? How does any of that pertain to me and what am I supposed to make of that? Here is another one:
The Easiest Business On Earth. Valuable information mailed free.....
Do you think many people are going to write in for an ad like that. Especially not since there are hundreds of other ads in competition for the readers' time.
In less that 25 words you have to create a message that will make a reader stop; give him a reason - benefits to him - why this is for him; tell him what to do - action; and provide the vital information. It is as simple and as complicated as that. Simple because you know what you want to accomplish, but complicated because it has to be done with so few words. I think you can see why it is virtually impossible to sell a $10 or $20 item from a classified ad. You just would not have enough space to tell a story compelling enough to convince someone to part with $10 or $20.
With some practice you should have no problem getting lots of inquiries from your ads. Stay away from "Self-centered advertising copy", copy that speaks about you. How great you or your company are, or how great your product is.
The only thing the reader cares about is himself. What's in for Number One! Nothing else.
Almost all weekly and monthly publication will charge for each word including your company name and address. Most daily newspapers have a per line rate. Since just the address can take up from 6-10 words here are some ways you can save money.
The following ad has 23 words.
TREMENDOUS PROFITS THROUGH SELF-PUBLISHING Start part-time. Easy to do. XYZ Publishing Co. Dept 12 P.O. Box 1000 Frederick, MD 20908
This ad has 21 words.
TREMENDOUS PROFITS THROUGH SELF-PUBLISHING Start part-time. Easy to do. Free details. XYZ Publishing/E (The E becomes the code instead of Dept 12 PO Box 1000 Frederick, MD 20908
Or this one which has 18 words
SELF-PUBLISHING, TREMENDOUS PROFITS! Start part-time. Easy! Free report. XYZ Publishing/E PO Box 1000 Frederick, MD 20908
You also might check with your post office and see if just using Box 1000 instead of PO Box 1000 would get to you - another word saved if it does.
Some publications charge 2 words for the zip code and state, some only one. If you live in a city which consists of several words such as Palm Beach Gardens you are only charged for 1 word.
Evaluate the cost effectiveness of your ad by the cost per inquiry and not the cost of the ad. Example a $150 ad generates 170 inquiries $0.88 per word versus a $28 ad which generates 15 inquiries at a cost of $1.87 each.
If you have written and placed an effective ad and the inquiries start rolling in, the most important job, or actually several jobs have to be done. They are as follows:
1. Your sales/promotional package must be ready before the first inquiry arrives and it must be answered promptly, preferably the same day but certainly within 48 hours. The longer you wait the more chances are that a competitor will win out over you. Although some people will wait for weeks before they make a decision, many will act within days.
2. The ad you are placing is just the beginning. The names which are generated from the ad must be used again and again in order for your total advertising effort to be effective in the long term.
3. A percentage of your inquiries from this first ad will become buyers. You need to send these buyers additional offers within several weeks after their first purchase and thereafter mail at least 3 times per year to them. You drop them from your list if they have not bought anything for about 8 - 12 months.
4. The inquiries that did not buy this time may still purchase at a later time. You can send them the same material again, or a similar offer. It is advisable to send 2-3 more mailing to them.
Many mail order companies may only make a small profit or just break even when the actual sales results are measured against a single ad. But over the life of the customers which are converted from those inquiries and the subsequent purchases from the inquiries who were not converted from the initial ad many hundreds or thousands of additional dollars will be generated.
Wishing you success and many inquiries from your ads!
Classified ads, when used effectively, can be one of the quickest and inexpensive ways to increase sales and customers. A single well-written classified ad can generate hundreds of thousands in sales, yet can cost you pennies to run.
Unfortunately, most people don't appreciate the pulling power of classified ads. They think classifieds ads are for selling cars, or finding jobs, not for expanding a business. And while it's true a classified ad is a good way to sell a car, or find a job, it is also true that classified ads can be used to launch and operate multi-million dollar business.
In fact, many businesses rely exclusively on these small low cost ads to generate all their sales. The reason is simple. Once you have discovered how to harness the power of these ads, you really won't need to run expensive display ads.
The key point about classified ads is that they are most effective when used as 'lead generators'. In these ads, you are not trying to convince someone to spend money with you in the ad. Instead, you're trying to identify a potential customer by having that customer contact you as a result of the ad. Once potential customers have identified themselves, you follow up with your direct mail offer for the product or service you want to sell.
Writing an effective classified ad is one of the most exacting forms of copywriting. With twenty words or less you have to say something that will cause potential customers to call you. And you can't rely on eye-catching illustrations or professional layouts to catch the reader's attention. It's all in the wording.
Here's what we do when we need to write a classified ad that really works:
1. Define what we want the ad to accomplish. Do we want the customer to read the ad and smile? Or do we want him to read the ad and call us? (In most cases we want the customer to call us immediately upon reading the ad.)
2. Define the profile of the person most likely to purchase our product or service. (Is it a man or woman, young or old, rich or poor?) If you can't identify who you are going to sell a product to, it's almost impossible to write an ad that will get their attention.
3. With the 'most likely customer profile' developed in step two, you should list the 'hot buttons', those words, ideas, and concepts most likely to gain the immediate attention of anyone in the profile group.
These hot buttons might be phrases like 'work at home', financial freedom,' 'overnight weight loss,' 'immediate loans' or 'overseas jobs'.
4. Using the list of hot buttons we came up with in step three, we should see how we can weave them into a 20 word or less ad that accomplishes the goal we set in step one. When writing the ad, the first three words are extremely important and must be selected with purpose. They should call out to our potential customers.
5. If our goal is to get the reader to identify himself to us as a potential customer we should offer free additional information. This way we get the customer to call us and give us their name so we can send them something. We normally do this by saying, 'For Free Information Packet call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx.'
6. After the ad is written to our satisfaction, we search out a number of highly targeted newsletters and magazines that our customers read. Then we find the ones with the least amount of classified ads, and run our test ads there. (We always avoid general interest publications. The ad rates are too expensive and the response too small.)
7. Before the ads appear we develop our ad response pack. This is free information that people who see the ad will be calling about. And it is this response pack that will generate the sale. Obviously having a good response pack is critical to the success of the project.
8. When the ads appear, we keep track of the total number of inquiries for each ad, from each publication. This lets us know which ad works best, and which publication pulls best. We use this information when we roll the ad out on a wider scale.
One final point. The success of a classified ad is determined by the Sales are related to the follow-up effort, the response pack, not the lead generating classified ad. Generally if you get five or more responses to a low cost classified, you are on the right track.
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