"STOP Buying Internet Marketing Products" >> By Ryan Deiss
I'm going to take a lot of heat from some of my buddies in the Internet Marketing field for this article, but some things just have to be said. Ok here goes...
"You should stop spending all your money on Internet marketing related products!" (And yes that also includes my own products, Opt-In Automator, Pop-Up Rotator, and "The Great Ezine Experiment".)
So why am I saying this?
Well, it all springs from an email I received a few weeks ago from a guy wanting to make a trade for Opt-In Automator. The email went something like this:
"I'm very interested in your product, Opt-In Automator, but I'm really low on cash right now so I was hoping to trade you [product name withheld] for it. If you're not interested in this product, I have many more that I can offer you."
So out of curiosity, I asked this gentleman to send me the URLs to his website(s) so I could check out these "other products" that he mentioned.
Here was his response:
"Actually I don't have my own website, yet. Right now I'm just trying to acquire all the Internet marketing materials I can so I know what I'm doing when I finally launch my own site."
If you were paying attention, this response should have thrown up quite a few red flags.
For starters, Opt-In Automator does you absolutely no good if you don't already have your own website and mailing list. So this guy is spending his time and money acquiring products that are useless to him and his business. (That's not a great formula for success.)
Second, (and this is really the whole point of this article so pay attention) the notion that you must have all the wisdom, resources, and software at your fingertips before you start is simply ridiculous!
Sure, you need some basic knowledge so you have some clue as to what you're doing. So read an ebook here and there and digest all the free information you can.
© 2002 by Softniche Solutions Page 33
But above all else, try something! Just get out there and do it. That's where you really learn what works and what doesn't.
I see way too many people fall into the trap of "Perpetual Preparation". They spend so much time getting ready to start their business that they never actually get around to doing anything.
And whatever you do, stop wasting all your money buying every ebook and hot new software product under the sun. Instead, buy a domain name and a year of hosting. Buy an autoresponder account, and a payment processor.
In short, invest in the things that directly benefit your business before you waste all your money on knowledge you can no longer afford to use.
Once you start turning a profit, you can let your business fund your continuing education and also purchase that great new piece of software you've been eyeing for the last few months. (Hopefully it's one of mine.)
"The Single Most Effective, Yet Unused, Joint Venture Tactic" >> By Ryan Deiss
Here's a joint venture technique you can use that I guarantee will get the attention of even the busiest, most successful website owners.
Consider this...
If you were going to approach someone about forming a joint venture or partnership, what method would you use? Well if you're like 99.9% of the people out there, then chances are you would simply send them a personal email and then wait for a reply.
Sometimes the reply comes, and other times it doesn't. Well here's a way to virtually ensure a reply of some sort...
Don't email your potential partners your offer - MAIL it to them. That's right! It's time to dust off those old stamps, break out envelopes and actually send a real, live letter. I realize this sounds a little backwards, but that's the beauty of it.
Here's an example...
I receive dozens of joint venture requests every day, some of which are worth replying to, and some of which are not. The funny thing, however, is that of the thousands of JV requests that have cross my path, not a single one has been delivered via postal mail.
So what do you think my reaction would be if I did receive something in the mail? Don't bother guessing...I'll tell you! I'd be shocked, amazed, and impressed all at the same time. Even if the offer was not for me, you better believe that I would give it extra-special consideration. (And that's really all you can ask for when approaching a potential partner.)
But let's take this one step further...
Instead of just sending a personal letter via First Class mail, try sending it through Federal Express, or even registered mail. Heck, make the person sign for it!
Obviously )you don't want to go too overboard with this, but if the joint venture could earn you thousands of dollars, isn't it at least worth the cost of a postage stamp. I think so...
"How to Price an Ebook" >> By Ryan Deiss
The title of this article is deceptively simple, but I promise there's more to pricing an ebook than you would think. The inspiration for this tip came from an email I received from a subscriber, which read...
"I'm planning on releasing my ebook soon and I'm trying to decide how to sell it. (i.e. with resell rights, customization rights, etc) Any tips you could give as to how I should sell it for maximum profits?"
The way I look at it, you create a product because you want to accomplish one of two things:
1. Make a lot of money or...
2. Build your list and generate publicity
You really can't do #1 very effectively if you don't charge a premium for your ebook, so in my opinion if you don't feel your ebook is worth at least $37, then you should consider refocusing your marketing plan from profit generation to list generation. (Note: The $37 figure is not set it stone, but it's what I've found works best for my business.)
So how do you transition from profit generation to list generation? Simple...just offer low-cost (or free) resell rights to your ebook.
If your ebook has resell rights available (and it's of high quality), it will spread much faster giving you more recognition while building your list at the same time. But let's not forget...you'll also make a tidy sum selling the ebook on the front end, and then charging extra for resell rights and customization.
Then all you have to do is roll out another (more expensive product) to your new list, and watch the really BIG profits roll in.
I realize that this idea isn't anything new, but so few info publishers are actually using it that it's worth discussing. Far too often I hear of people trying to "make it big" off of a $17 ebook. I hate to burst your bubble, but it isn't going to happen!
So instead of busting your butt for a small fortune, bust your butt for a HUGE list. It may not seem as sexy at first, but I promise it will pay much larger dividends over the long-haul.
SPECIAL SIDE NOTE: If you want to see this strategy in action, just check out my new ebook "The Great Ezine Experiment". --> http://www.EzineExperiment.com
Though I made a nice profit off of the front-end sales of this product, my main focus was to build my list and increase my name recognition.
THE RESULT: A 30% increase in my opt-in list in the first month alone, and a sharp increase in sales for my other products.
See...it does work. :-)
"Marketing Is NOT a WAR" (Why I Disagree with Mark Joyner) >> By Ryan Deiss
It's becoming very hip lately to refer to marketing in military and especially warlike terms. Mark Joyner, of Aesop.com, is especially big about this.
In fact, in his new book Mind Control Marketing (which I just finished reading), Mark takes the perspective that selling something is a "fight to the death" between you and your customers where your goal is to "conquer their resistance"
Now, maybe I'm still young and naive when compared to the great Mark Joyner, but I like to think of marketing as a bridge between people's wants and a solution to extinguish those wants (which is where the products come in). In short, I still see marketing as a benevolent act that should be undertaken with honesty and sincerity - not a battle to be won.
When I buy a product, it's because I wanted it. Sure, I've been scammed before, but I'm still pleased with the vast majority of my purchases because I wanted something that a particular product or service could fill. The owner didn't need to wear down my resistance, she simply needed to recognize my wants and seek to meet them at a reasonable price.
So if you're reading this with an open mind, here's the lesson I hope you take with you...
Seek to create products (and services) that genuinely help people and meet their most pressing wants.
If you do that, then all your marketing has to do is isolate the targeted prospects and show them how your product does what it says it will do. Do that and you won't need any "mind control" tactics or "hypnotic selling" strategies.
But then again, that's just my take on it...let me know what you think...
Here’s a little bit about me...
Since 2001, Ryan Deiss has made a career for himself on the Internet by creating products that make people say, "Why didn't I think of that?"
Ryan's first project, the "Webs Worth Watching" newsletter, was launched out of a desire to offer something different in an ezine. Since then "Something Different" has remained his battle cry. In November of 2001, Ryan launched Opt-In Automator, which has since helped hundreds of ezine publishers achieve higher opt-in rates in highly competitive markets. Its characteristic "javascript warning" pop-up has now become commonplace on many of the top marketing related websites.
His next product, Pop-Up Rotator, literally sent the controversial world of pop-up marketing spinning. Using Pop-Up Rotator, online marketers could now display multiple pop-ups on their site in a defined series so that visitors were exposed to a new ad every time they returned to the site. This not only increased profits for the marketers, it also made pop-ups as a whole less annoying to visitors since they were no longer forced to see the same pop-up time and time again.
Ryan's fuel for starting his online businesses came from a highly unlikely source...a girl. As Ryan tells the story...
"In May of 2001 I decided that I needed to buy a ring for my girlfriend. Now this wasn't just any ring, mind you, this was *THE RING*. By that I mean, the ring that I would give to the girl of my dreams when I asked her to be my wife. But there was a problem...
Engagement rings are anything but cheap. In fact, they're the anti-cheap. But since I had no money, I decided that after two years of sitting on the sidelines I would finally try my hand at this 'crazy Internet thing' to see if I could bring in enough cash to eventually pay off the ring."
Fortunately for Ryan, he surpassed his original goal and started making serious cash from his websites in less than 4 months. Now, Ryan's primary focus is on new product development and teaching others how they can rollout and market products using the Internet.
Here are some of Ryan’s "Why didn’t I think of that" products.
"Pop-Up Rotator" www.PopUpRotator.com
Here’s the product that literally sent the world of pop-ups spinning, and created a whole new marketing strategy – Pop-Up Rotation. With Pop-Up Rotator, you’ll be able to finally create pop ups that actually SELL to your visitors instead of just ANNOY them.
"Opt-In Automator" www.OptInAutomator.com
Double your Ezine’s opt-in rate in 8 minutes by installing this simple little program on your site.
"The Great Ezine Experiment" www.EzineExperiment.com
"How I Turned a Simple Ezine Into an Online Empire That Earns Me THOUSANDS of Dollars Each Month." (You won’t find this strategy taught anywhere else.)
"Webs Worth Watching Newsletter" www.SiteSightings.com
Discover the BEST Sites You've NEVER Seen, Along with Tried and True 'From the Trenches' Marketing Tips, All in One Place. There’s not filler and no fluff, so subscribe and see why one subscriber said...
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