This is a field that is growing very rapidly. If you have never seen this visit any home improvement or gardening
show or most large malls any weekend. Most large companies have understood the value of this type of marketing for
some time. However, there is a growing need in the small business market as well.
Contact small manufacturers in your area. Start with those companies that manufacture a product you are familiar
with, but don’t limit yourself to just those companies. Offer to demonstrate their products at local malls or at craft fairs
or school bazaar or carnivals. You will want to start on a straight salary to begin with, but as you become more
comfortable with the market consider working for a portion of the sales you generate.
Contract Cleaning
This is a business that can start very small and grow very quickly. Busy families and small businesses can both
use a reasonably priced service. There are several specific markets to consider. Young families are often so busy that
weekend cleaning becomes difficult or impossible to do. Having someone on a regular basis has appeal to more and
more working adults.
The elderly offer another growing market. This use to be limited to those people who couldn’t do the cleaning.
But as seniors become more active and involved in retirement communities they want to spend less and less time
doing things that others could do for them. This group also will have several homes and will be part time residents.
This opens up the possibility of including home maintenance when the owners are away as part of the service.
Small business owners often do much of their own cleaning. This is not the most productive way for them to use
their time. By providing them with reasonably priced weekend cleaning services, you are giving them back time they
can use to help their businesses grow.
30 Ways to Make Money!
Knife/Tool Sharpener
If you enjoy working with tools and are a perfectionist, this may be the perfect weekend job for you. Most people
have a kitchen drawer full of dull knives they never use. In fact, many people with throw away a perfectly good knife
because they don’t know how to sharpen it correctly.
There are several ways to market this service. You can specialize in knives or tools or you can go for the broad
market and sharpen anything that needs a good edge. Either approach can be successful.
Think of this service as a year round service. Knife sharpening is needed just before most holidays when families
realize how dull their kitchen knives have become. During the spring and summer garden tools get a workout and
need almost constant attention. In the fall axes and chainsaws dominate the market. Even in the coldest months there
is a market for sharpening ice skating blades and ice scrapers.
Pricing is usually done by the inch for knives and by the tool for everything else. Develop a regular client base
and you will have all the work you will want. This is also a job that grows very quickly by word of mouth advertising.
Furniture Repairer
Another area for someone who enjoys working with his/her hands is furniture repair. This is a particularly good
job to consider if you have a number of woodworking tools and enjoy working with wood.
You can specialize in re-upholstery or antique refinishing or general furniture repair. If you have an interest in old
furniture, there is a growing market for second hand furniture. Purchasing used furniture and repairing it can turn a
very nice profit for the individual with an interest in that area.
Knowledge about how to repair furniture is no further away than the public library or your local home
improvement store. There are a number of very good books on furniture repair techniques and an hour of time in your
local home improvement store will earn you a solid, working knowledge of paints and stains and varnishes.
If you are not sure about the demand for this type of service take several minutes and glance through the television
listings for the next week in your area and note how many shows there are in your area that deal with this subject.
Indoor House Plant Gardener
There are several possibilities for that person who enjoys house plants. If you are good at getting things to grow,
why not make that service available to your neighbors?
Providing an indoor gardening service and also lead to a retail business as well. You can expand to sell plant
supplies to your clients to help them maintain healthy plants between your visits. You can also put some of your
knowledge into a pamphlet or booklet and sell that to them as well.
If you really enjoy plants, a variation on this idea is to grow plants at home and lease out for special occasions
like weddings or anniversaries and so forth. This requires a bit more space and time than taking care of plants in
another person’s home, but the rewards may be worth the extra effort.
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