Child care is an area of growing need across the country. There are several ways to turn your experience with
children into a very profitable weekend. Child Care for special events.
Events such as swap meets, or muti-family garage sales, or church bazaar, need a place for the people they attract
to leave small children for short periods of time while they attend the event. You can provide that area with a small
investment in games and toys (often available at garage sales and swap meets for very little money). Consider whether
you want to specialize in indoor or outdoor events. If you choose indoor events you will need to provide games and
toys appropriate for that environment. If you choose outdoor events you might consider investing in portable fencing
since most organizations do not have an enclosed area that would be appropriate for the care of small children.
Weekend Child Care
Working parents sometimes find themselves scheduled to be out of town for a weekend and for whatever reason
cannot take their children and have no one to leave them with. This is a service that can be done in your home or in
the client’s home. Determine which would be easier for you and base your price structure on that. Also, determine
who will be responsible for providing the food you will prepare for the children. Include this into the fee you charge.
It is important that you are aware of all laws and requirements for child care your are may have. A phone call or
two will get you the information you need to avoid fines later on.
Baby Sitting
Here is a job most of us did when we were younger. Today, having a responsible adult available to watch children
for an evening is a luxury most parents only dream of. Playing with the children and reading to them as well as being
able to prepare a meal allows parents more freedom to do whatever it is that is taking them out for the evening.
This job might grow faster than you expect through word of mouth. It is a good idea to consider how many jobs
over a weekend you will want to accept and what limits you might want to have concerning the length of time or
number of children and so forth. Once parents discover a reliable sitter the word will spread quickly.
Weekend Pet Care
A variation of the concept of child care is that of pet care. People who are traveling but who own pets need
someone to care for those pets when the owners are gone for more than a day. Boarding a pet with a vet or at a pet
boarding facility means transporting the animal to and from that location. Many people do not have the time to do
that. And, boarding the animal away from its home adds stress to the situation for the pet.
It is much easier to have someone come to the home and spend an hour or so each day with the animal, feed it
and provide the human companionship the pet has come to know and understand.
If you like animals and can work with a wide range of pets, this is a good field to consider. It is important to make
arrangements to meet the pet before the care begins and to make sure that you are clear on any special needs the pet
might have. Fees are normally based on the number of pets and the needs that pet might have. Check out local
boarding facilities and determine what the daily fee rate is. You will want to charge something under that level.
30 Ways to Make Money!
Pet Trainer
If you are really good with animals and enjoy a new challenge regularly consider training pets for their owners.
Most pet owners don’t have the time or the knowledge to train their pets to do even the simplest of things like walk
on a leash properly. A tour of your neighborhood park any weekend will convince you of the need for this service.
You don’t need to be specially trained or be a pet psychologist to be a good pet trainer. There are a number of
very good books in your public library that will provide most of the information you will need to know. A short
conversation with a vet or kennel owner will provide the rest.
Keep in mind that most owners don’t want or need a high level of training for their pets. They are interested in
having a pet that is well-behaved in normal, everyday situations. They want to be able to take the dog for a walk rather
than have the dog drag them for one.
Services for Out of Towners
Local Tour Guide
If you know your area well and enjoy being with new people consider being a tour guide. You would be
responsible for meeting with the client and having an itinerary available of places most people would like to see when
they visit. However, you must be willing to alter that and be creative if the client doesn’t want to visit the normal places
for tourists.
Fees are normal charged for half days and full days. Adjustments are made if clients wish to see things out of town
or where long drives are necessary. It would be important to do some research and know the history of the area you
will be touring to provide the client with the “color and background” most of us enjoy but never take the time to learn.
This type of position would tend to be seasonal in most parts of the country. However, if you are fortunate
enough to live in an area that attracts visitors year round this is something to seriously consider.
Conventioneer Aide
Many large cities spend millions of dollars every year to attract conventions for the tourist money they bring in.
Many conventioneers will bring a spouse or sometimes the entire family with them. Unfortunately, those family
members are often left stranded in a strange city for long periods of time.
If you work well with people, you might be able to help both yourself and your city’s convention bureau. Acting
as a companion and guide for those people who come with the convention attendee will make the convention
experience more pleasant for both the person attending the convention and the spouse or family member.
You would be responsible for acting as a local tour guide but also to transport your clients to the local shopping
areas, cultural centers and restaurants. If children are involved a trip to the zoo or museums might be in order.
Information about the number and dates of upcoming conventions is available through the convention bureau or
the local Chamber of Commerce in your town.
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Past: Open Minded Ka ba? - Studied At Lecheng Eskwelahan yan!Past: Selling soap at Glutathione
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