There are many companies in this market, but most are geared towards large events, not small family gatherings
or neighborhood parties. If you enjoy cooking or barbecuing, this is the place for you. If you have that famous recipe
for steaks or chicken on the backyard grill, or if everyone always
raves about your desserts, consider this a potential gold mine.
Begin by focusing in your own neighborhood. Inexpensive fliers delivered to your neighbors’ doors would be a
quick and easy way to start. Word of mouth will be your best advertising in the long run, but a few doorhangers will
get your business off the ground.
Concentrate on the type of cooking you like to do best. If you enjoy what you are doing, it will be reflected in
your product and that is the quickest way to a very successful business.
Computer Class Instructor
Computers have become part of everyone’s life, not only in the work place, but in the home as well. They are part
of our jobs but also part of our entertainment. If you aren’t sure how big a market this is check out the computer book
section of a book store near you.
Use the knowledge you have gained by offering to teach others how to begin using a computer, how to use it
more efficiently, how to get more out of it, or how to use specific software programs.
This type of class can be offered through your home, but you might also consider contacting a local computer
retailer and offer to conduct the classes in his/her store. This would bring traffic into the store that is specifically
interested in his product as well as give you access to a variety of machines and software to demonstrate with.
Computer Software Tester
Another way to use your computer experience is to test software for companies and then write reviews. Software
manufacturers need to have new products tested by people other than the programmers who create the products. You
would need to keep accurate records of failures in the program and exactly what you did that caused the program to fail.
In addition, you will be able to write software reviews for the products you test and send those to computer
magazines for possible publications. (See the section below on writing for profit.)
Web Page Builder (and maintainer)
One additional area in which you might be able to use your computer expertise is in the creation of and
maintenance of Web Pages. If you spend any time on the internet at all you realize that most businesses are either on
the internet or trying to get there. Small businesses may have someone who knows how to construct a page, but very
often these people have too many other responsibilities to either create the page or maintain it and keep it up to date.
Having a web page is a good business move, if it is well done and well maintained. A web page that is neither of
those things can hurt a business more than help it. If you have the time and interest, consider becoming a “Web Master.”
Craft Class Instructor
Another type of class that is very popular is the craft class. If you enjoy a specific craft or art medium, share it
with others and teach them what you have learned over time. This is an enjoyable way to put some time in with the
thing you like to do while getting paid to do it.
It would be a good idea to contact a craft supply store and conduct the classes their. Your students would have
access to the supplies they needed for the class, which the store might be willing to sell at a discount to students. You
might also consider working out an arrangement whereby you would get a commission on sales of material to
students within a period of time following the class. Students who are learning something new are often very excited
about their newly developed skills and will spend money getting all the supplies they need to continue immediately.
That could be beneficial to both you and the store owner.
Arts and Crafts Broker
A rapidly growing industry is the traveling crafts show where companies and individuals sell original art work
and crafts. However, most people would have no idea how to go about setting up a booth nor would they normally
have enough art work or crafts created to make it worth while. You might be able to help them by becoming a broker
for several artists and craftsmen.
Offer to set up a booth at a local crafts fair and sell crafts on consignment. That would mean that you were only
committing money to rent the booth but not buying the artwork itself. You would sell it for the artist and receive a
commission based on the sale price of the work. If you find this enjoyable work, consider expanding and selling the
art work or crafts directly to other retailers.
Tutoring is often something offered for children in school. However, that is not the only market available,
although it is a good one. If you have knowledge in a specific area, foreign language, bookkeeping, or creative writing
for example, you can use that knowledge to earn extra money on the weekend.
Certainly, if you were good at math or English in school, contact your local school districts and let them know
that you would be available as a tutor. Ask them what is the current rate for tutoring students in the area. They will
have this information. The need for this type of help is greater than you might imagine. But school children are not
the only people looking for someone with expertise to teach them something.
Retired individuals and small business owners are another growing market for knowledgeable people to explore.
Retired people have the time and interest to learn a new language, or how to do home repair. Business owners need
to be up to date on the latest laws and market trends, as well as ways to advertise more effectively or do basic
bookkeeping. Identify the skills you have and teach them to others.
Musical Instrument Instructor
If you have this training, make money with it. Teach others to play an instrument. This has been a weekend job
for a very long time. But there are ways to expand this position. As your clientele grows and becomes more proficient,
consider acting as an agent and getting paying jobs on weekends playing for parties
Also, consider becoming a distributor for musical supplies. Many people who enjoy playing but are not
professional musicians have a difficult time finding new sheet music or a place to have their instruments
reconditioned or repaired. If you have the time and skill, this is a very lucrative market.
Specific Talents
Art Work for New Homes
If you have an artistic talent, consider putting it to work in the construction of new homes. For instance, if you
are good with stained glass contact a new home builder in your area and offer to make custom designed stained glass
windows that the builder could offer as an option on his homes. It would cost the builder nothing until someone
ordered a window. The customer would be responsible for the cost of the materials, your time and talents, and the
installation cost. The builder would be able to charge a certain mark-up, which is his profit for selling the idea to the
You get to do something you like to do and get paid to do it. That is a good definition of the perfect job.
Other art lend themselves more to model homes or to the buyer directly. However, you get the idea. If you like
to paint or draw, offer your work to the builder to be placed in model homes. If you create sculpture, present it to the
builder as something to be placed in the yards of his model homes. Point out that home buyers often look and many
models. Having original art work at a reasonable price would be one way the buyers would remember and distinguish
his homes from the rest of the market.
Most people think of professional writers as the big name novelists. However, most professionals have other jobs
and write part time. You can too. There are lots of markets available for someone who wants to write on the weekends.
Consider writing for a small company newsletter. Contact small businesses in your area and find out if they have
a news letter. If not, offer to write one for them. It might be designed for their employees, to keep them informed about
what is happening in the company. Or it might be designed as a mailer that would go out to the customers to let them
know about upcoming sales or promotions, classes that are being offered using the company’s product, or product
demonstrations that will occur.
You might also write for a weekly newspaper. Offer to do a weekly column on some area of interest. Review
movies, or television shows or computer software. The list of things possible is almost limitless. Write a column or
two and offer to let them us the columns free for the first two weeks to see what the response is from their readership.
Then negotiate the payment for each column.
If you like to write poetry, consider sending your work into greeting card companies. Go to a card shop and a grocery
store and look for the smaller companies. The major card companies, like Hallmark, have staff writers and normally do
not accept outside submissions, but smaller companies depend on material coming from people just like you.
All of us have seen the professional photographer at big time sporting events. We may have used the services of
a professional for a wedding. But what about the local Pee-Wee soccer league, or the neighborhood block party, or
Aunt Martha’s 65th birthday. Most people enjoy good pictures, but most people don’t have the knowledge or
experience to take good pictures consistently.
If you enjoy using a camera, whether it is a still camera or a video camera, there is money to be made with it.
Perhaps the easiest way to begin is to take the camera to a local youth sporting event and begin taking pictures. Be
sure to have some inexpensive brochures available explaining to the proud parents where they can order actions
shots of their own little superstars in action. A few weekends of that type of freelance work will let you see how big
this market can be.
Outdoor Possibilities
Construction Site Cleanup
If you live in an area where there is a great deal of building going on, this is a service that has great potential.
Offer to clean up all the scrap material that is created on a job site during the week. Most contractors will wait, if
possible, for the job to be completed, before doing cleanup. But this has to do with man hours that are not productive.
A general contractor probably has other things his crews could be doing that would make more money for the
company than cleaning a job site.
When you negotiate a fee for this work it is probably better to offer to do the job for a flat rate. This will allow
you to determine if you want others to help you do the work or whether you can do it yourself. However, it is
important to make sure that the contractor is responsible for providing the dumpster for all the scrap material you
will clean up and that he is responsible for disposing of the material when you are finished. If the contractor is not
willing to do this, then you will have to, but be sure you are aware of all fees and costs involved with disposing of the
material in your area.
This is a situation where you might be able to form several crews to work several sites at the same time.
Car Washing/Waxing
One of the first jobs many of us had was washing cars for the neighbors. Today, with the expensive finishes on
new cars we are not willing to trust our investments to youngsters. However, most of us know that our cars need to
be washed regularly to extend the life of the finish, but our schedules just don’t allow it.
If you enjoy working outside and enjoy cars this is a great opportunity. The financial investment is very small.
Several phone calls to new car dealerships will get you all the information you need to make sure that you are using
the correct products for the new, softer finishes.
Lawn Maintenance Contractor
Another job many of us had was mowing lawns for the neighborhood. Lawn and garden care has become much
more involved in the last 10 years.
This area can go far beyond the simple mowing of the lawn. Consider spending an hour or so at a local nursery.
Learn what types of supplements the various types of lawns would need and when. Learn what plants do well outside
in your area of the country. Find out what is the most effective watering schedule for your area during each season.
This way you will be able to provide the lawn care service that your neighbors need and want but you can also help
them decide on plants to include and can provide information to help them have the type of lawn that will be the envy
of the block.
And Now A Final Word
As we said at the beginning, these are ideas to help you begin. Don’t be afraid to change them or come up with
some that aren’t listed here. You know your neighborhood and what is needed. Meet that need and you have a money
maker. Good luck.
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Past: Open Minded Ka ba? - Studied At Lecheng Eskwelahan yan!Past: Selling soap at Glutathione
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